Contextualizing and celebrating a monumental achievement by an extraordinary athlete.
In 2021, Timothy Olson set out to record the Fastest Known Time across the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail - covering all that time in fewer than 52 days. That's an average of over 50 miles per day. adidas needed help delivering the story through weekly updates in video and on social channels.
To convey the scale of the attempt and still connect with viewers whose motorized commute averages far less than that, the strategy was developed around delivering the units and statistics in comparison to everyday items and tasks. Showcasing human moments of Tim while on the trail also added connection.
To get these onto the social channels in near real-time, I received weekly overnight drops of hard drives, containing all raw video shot that week across 5-6 different rigs. The video was being captured by Keith Ladzinski and crew, for separate ask, a long form documentary film, with very little direction or input on what we were trying to make. I only had 12 hours or so to scrub it all and try to build a story for the week, and send off to my friends at Harbor, who edited these together, also under very tight timelines.